Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Now and Then

Sorry for the big gap in posts! Computer was down, then time has been short. Here is where we are now and what we have come from . . .

roof going up!
They say it is the hardest roof they have ever done. It is something to see--they are doing a GREAT job!

the guys working WAY up high

the house without a roof

and the foundation with David walking over the storm shelter.
There are a lot more pictures; hopefully I will get them all in a scrapbook . . . one day! We are in the midst of many decisions. I met with a cabinet guy today. When you don't have a "dream house" in mind it makes it so hard to decide what you want. I've thought of about 3 or 4 changes that I want to make to the kitchen cabinets since I've been home. Hopefully we'll end up with what we want when it's all said and done.
Y'all come see it sometime : ) It's looking more like a real house every day!